New mission idea: ABANDON SHIP

Here’s an idea for a new mission type, inspired by the disturbing sight of allied ships being blown out of orbit every single day:

The squad leader selects the next mission from the main station on board his ship, then *BOOM!*

Explosions.  Fire.  The Super Destroyers belonging to the squad have all been hit.  ABANDON SHIP!  THIS IS NOT A DRILL!  Without player interaction there’s an animation of the squad stepping into the hellpods and dropping… skipping the selection of a loadout or a drop location.  Large chunks of broken hulls and twisted metal follow you on atmospheric entry during the drop animation.

The team drops at some arbitrary spot on the map.  Whatever the original mission was, that’s moot now.  The primary objective is now to find a transmission tower to send a signal back to command.  Until that is done, there will be no reinforcements, no stratagems, no resupplies, no help.  Squad wipe before this mission objective is accomplished means complete failure.  And shame. Unbearable shame.

To mitigate the lack of stratagems, an increased number of random weapons and malfunctioning/unopened equipment pods will be scattered around the area where the helldivers dropped.  Part of the wreckage from their own ships, sadly.  Also a good chance to find a working FRV.  Hope your former crew left the keys in the ignition.

Once the transmission tower is secured and a signal successfully sent, new Super Destroyers are sent to replace the ones that were lost.  Reinforcements are available once again, and surviving helldivers can now select their loadouts just as if they were about to drop, so from that point on their chosen strats are gloriously available just as democracy intended.  Extract when ready and receive a disappointing service rating, or go for broke and do all the remaining objectives in the time remaining (oh yeah, the clock was running all along so better hurry, helldiver!).  The secondary objective which is optional (but not really if you have any sense of honor) is to find and destroy the cannons which blew up your ships in the first place.

Every time you see an ally ship on fire from the bridge of your own destroyer just remember:  it could happen to you.

Here’s an idea for a new mission type, inspired by the disturbing sight of allied ships being blown out of orbit every single day:

The squad leader selects the next mission from the main station on board his ship, then *BOOM!*

Explosions.  Fire.  The Super Destroyers belonging to the squad have all been hit.  ABANDON SHIP!  THIS IS NOT A DRILL!  Without player interaction there’s an animation of the squad stepping into the hellpods and dropping… skipping the selection of a loadout or a drop location.  Large chunks of broken hulls and twisted metal follow you on atmospheric entry during the drop animation.

The team drops at some arbitrary spot on the map.  Whatever the original mission was, that’s moot now.  The primary objective is now to find a transmission tower to send a signal back to command.  Until that is done, there will be no reinforcements, no stratagems, no resupplies, no help.  Squad wipe before this mission objective is accomplished means complete failure.  And shame. Unbearable shame.

To mitigate the lack of stratagems, an increased number of random weapons and malfunctioning/unopened equipment pods will be scattered around the area where the helldivers dropped.  Part of the wreckage from their own ships, sadly.  Also a good chance to find a working FRV.  Hope your former crew left the keys in the ignition.

Once the transmission tower is secured and a signal successfully sent, new Super Destroyers are sent to replace the ones that were lost.  Reinforcements are available once again, and surviving helldivers can now select their loadouts just as if they were about to drop, so from that point on their chosen strats are gloriously available just as democracy intended.  Extract when ready and receive a disappointing service rating, or go for broke and do all the remaining objectives in the time remaining (oh yeah, the clock was running all along so better hurry, helldiver!).  The secondary objective which is optional (but not really if you have any sense of honor) is to find and destroy the cannons which blew up your ships in the first place.

Every time you see an ally ship on fire from the bridge of your own destroyer just remember:  it could happen to you.