Sell me on the Seeker grenades

I have given them a try here and there and for the life of me cannot find out what purpose they serve outside of just being a novelty.

I'm aware they can destroy gunships and will go for targets you ping... But why not just throw a grenade at where you want. A ping is just an extra step. Not to mention it feels like Sekkers will just kinda go where they want half the time. As for gunships, that seems like too narrow a niche for me to want choose that over having frags, impacts, gas grenades, stuns, or thermites. Not to mention most support weapons (and even some primaries) deal with gunships just fine. Easier to me to hit a gunship with the AC, RR, or AMR than have to get in range, toss, ping, and hope the grenade will go after it instead of an MG raider minding its own business.

I really like the idea behind the Seekers but can't bring myself to use them.

So I want Seeker fans to sell me on them like you're a defense contractor making commission on these things. Sell me on the Seekers. I wanna be a drone master.

I have given them a try here and there and for the life of me cannot find out what purpose they serve outside of just being a novelty.

I'm aware they can destroy gunships and will go for targets you ping... But why not just throw a grenade at where you want. A ping is just an extra step. Not to mention it feels like Sekkers will just kinda go where they want half the time. As for gunships, that seems like too narrow a niche for me to want choose that over having frags, impacts, gas grenades, stuns, or thermites. Not to mention most support weapons (and even some primaries) deal with gunships just fine. Easier to me to hit a gunship with the AC, RR, or AMR than have to get in range, toss, ping, and hope the grenade will go after it instead of an MG raider minding its own business.

I really like the idea behind the Seekers but can't bring myself to use them.

So I want Seeker fans to sell me on them like you're a defense contractor making commission on these things. Sell me on the Seekers. I wanna be a drone master.