PSA: The Gas Resist Heavy Armour currently in the Super Store is goated.

So as y'all might know the Gas Resist armour can be considered a little boring.

It's like Tesla stuff it only serves to keep you safe from your own stupidity.

However I'm here to tell you how you can make gas fucking hilarious.

So there's a niche lesser known booster called "Vitality" this is represented by a 'Heart' icon and you may not have seen it brought along very often. This not only increases health, but reduces damage taken a lil bit.

This is nice already on paper, and in practise it's also really nice. But you must consider what this means for armour.

Armour has inherent damage resist values, with Light being the worst, Heavy being the best. However this stacks with any specific resists your armour might have. So the Fire Heavy armour + Vitality will net you a frankly incredible amount of fire resist ability.

But I'm here to talk about Gas. See because unlike Fire, Gas does not deal direct damage, it only applies the DOT effect (Damage over time) Fire does both, this is why the Flamethrower can be very effective at hosing an enemy down whereas the Sterilizer is better at spritzing them.

Translated to armour this means that your Gas armours have a much easier time of resisting Gas with the Vitality booster. But with the Heavy armour that is represented gas damage.

And I mean that. Like I spent yesterday playing Bug missions by Gassing a bug breach, then running into it with the Breaker Spray and Pray and just going full Doomguy on their asses. It's frankly absurd and the most fun use case for Gas. Bring a supply pack and Gas Grenades too and you've got easy get out of jail free cards verses the bugs. Just cook a gas grenade and hold it till it goes off, then boom, you're safe from anything smaller than a Charger, which is most of the Bug forces.

This tactic can likely be applied to the Bots too with some tinkering, maybe not the Spray and Pray but either way you'll be bullying enemies in close quarters.