The cap on Requisition Slips is awful and might be hurting motivation to play in the late-game, it should either be removed or we need something else to do with the slips
Title. I'm about level 40 and have unlocked every stratagem, so I'm now capped at 50k slips. Aside from the ludicrously expensive ship modules that take a long, long time to unlock (the samples take way longer to grind than the slips when just playing normally), I have nothing to spend them on so any extra slips I get are just completely wasted.
And that feels... awful, since now doing side-objectives just becomes kinda pointless since all I get out of it are wasted slips and technically pointless XP since nothing gets unlocked after level 25.
I can understand having a cap on medals since there's a lot to unlock with them, but what's the point of the cap on slips aside from discouraging people from playing more? I think it either needs to be removed entirely so I can at least have the satisfaction of seeing "number go up" like with XP, or let us convert slips into samples, medals or even super credits (at a meh conversion rate), because otherwise putting in "extra effort" at high levels is just a waste of time.
It can't be that hard to tweak the cap to be way higher, no?