What are some HLL features you didn’t find out about until weeks, or maybe even months into playing?
I ask because…
Yesterday i met a level 96 - i repeat A LEVEL 96 - that didn’t know you could put down an OP without dismantling your previous one. This entire time he has been traversing the whole map to remove his old OP’s just so he could put a new one down… I genuinely thought he was taking the piss.
For me, it took me until level 80+ to realise you can drop supplies in HQ when you are playing defence in offensive mode & also that not every role can see the recon plane.
Share yours below, we might just save some poor soul from hitting level 100 without knowing that your team mates can bandage you.
(One for the console players: Double tapping & holding the right d-pad button will toggle the map markers on/off)