Camel toe solution. Pls help

No matter what I wear I have camel toe. I have read other peoples solutions: size up, try different underwear, no pants w a front seam. Nothing I do fixes it. I hate the way it looks, it’s so innapropriate and lewd in my opinion. I don’t judge others when I see it but it feels like having myself very exposed. Are there like inserts or something that I can put? Like cutting up a sports bra pad insert thingy? Anyone have any solutions they personally use? I know it’s probably because of my anatomy but I just want to workout in leggings without covering my crotch the whole time. Thanks

Edit?: I shouldn’t have used language that’s shaming j don’t want anyone feeling like their anatomy makes them look inappropriate, It’s just a body part. Thank you for everyone that reminded me of that fact. Im going to look into all of your suggestions. Thank you (im still learning how Reddit works sorry)