help! yeast/mgen

Hi everyone, so basically I was diagnosed with Mgen in June and cured in September. I've already had two negative TOC tests. I took doxy+azi and then doxy+moxi to cure it, which messed up my flora so badly that I can't seem to cure it, and I'm completely lost now!

After my second negative TOC test, I still had constant white discharge and was tested for yeast, which came back positive. I've tried absolutely everything by now, and it seems like nothing works. I really don't know what to do.

My boyfriend was tested for Mgen, but it came back negative. However, after I took the antibiotics and got my negative results, we started having unprotected sex again, and he started having candida symptoms, very similar to balanitis. Every time we have unprotected sex, his penis starts to get some red dots, the skin starts to peel a bit, but as soon as we go back to using condoms, everything goes back to normal. He was treated with a fungal cream and the symptoms went away after a few days, so I'm not sure if I'm giving him yeast or if he's giving it to me.

Has this happened to anyone? I'm looking to try the candida diet, but I don't know where to start. Does anyone have any tips? I've already started taking probiotics, which seems to help, but it doesn't solve the issue at all