Health Anxiety Dreams

I’m here asking for help on how to deal with health anxiety in my dreams. I have always been a vivid dreamer and have always been able to remember my dreams after waking up.

In the past I’ve had dreams that involve usually myself being diagnosed or experiencing symptoms of something related to my health anxiety fixations, but last night I had my first dream about a close family member finding out they have a not-so-good diagnosis and it caused me a fair amount of distress. I’m afraid my dreams will be some kind of “premonition” and that if i don’t act on them to try and prevent the negative outcome I will have missed an opportunity to save my family member. I have been ruminating on it all day.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so, how do you manage you anxiety? How were you able to convince yourself that everything was actually okay?

If I have a dream about myself I can make sure to do everything I can to rule out my dream diagnosis, but because it’s someone else I feel a little weird asking them to check out something to do with their health because of a dream I had.

Any help is appreciated.