Reccomendation For wired IEM for $20?

Hello, I have been researching for some wired earbuds to use on the go. I have airpod pros and really like how they fit and sound but I want these specifically for a cheap on the go alternative for devices that don't have bluetooth. I have been seeing some suggestions like KZ and Moonlight iems but I only have one gripe that makes it a dealbreaker unfortunately. I really dont like the over ear design of those earbuds, everything else looks perfect except that I don't like over ears. Similar thing with the apple wired earbuds, sound great except the lack of a seal and uncomfortability is a dealbreaker. What I'm looking for is a wired IEMs that don't go over the ear that sound at least as good as the apple wired earbuds (I really am not that expirienced in audio I just want something decent enough) and is $20 or cheaper. Any sugesstions? I would also prefer if audio didn't bleed through it if possible. If you want specifics in audio I would prefer either a slight V shape or a flat and balanced audio. Thank you for any help, please let me know if you have any suggestions and feel free to ask questions if I forgot to mention something.