Psycho Hazbin “fans” are popping up more now

*TW: threats

Saw some nutcase comment on a Val cosplayer’s Tik Tok saying the usual shit of “y’know Val’s a rapist right,” the cosplayer told them how it’s just a character, they love Val’s design and it doesn’t make them a criminal in real life. The weirdo then went “ok but I still get creeped out by him and the VA who plays him better watch out lol”

“LOL” as if admitting you can’t differentiate fantasy from reality and making threats towards a VA is funny.

Luckily the lunatic got reported and got kicked off the platform.

As we come closer to Hazbin I’m beginning to see more weirdos come out and it’s scary.

I really do hope Viv, her team and the cast are given a lot of protection.