Who would have the most creative thinking when it comes to spells and magic?
Is it weird if I say half bloods? I kind of thought about it when thinking about D&D when the sending spell. It was like a two cans on a wire spell but now people use it to keep in touch with one another. So a spell that was already a thing but only now is being used in a better way. I know that wizards can do anything but would half bloods have more creativity and stuff when it comes to spells. You can ignore the harry potters in the world who know about magic when they grow up but barely care about it until they need it. What would happen if you explored the magical world, had fun in the human world, made connections, and used different techniques. I wonder if a person could astral project if they focus since they aren’t a ghost but they are just their soul or astral form leaving the body. There has to be some spells and potions that no one has thought of. Could muggleborns have better potential too. What do you guys think?