The season 2 foreshadowing is phenomenal
So I've been rewatching s1 and s2 before I finish s3, and I've noticed so much more foreshadowing than I had initially noticed. This is for sure due to the fact that I've seen the further events that they were foreshadowing, but I can't help but wonder if this was just another line or if Bryan was actually foreshadowing Hannibal's Muzimono betrayal.
So in s2 ep9 Hannibal sends Randall Tier to Will's home presumably to kill Will. When Will brings Randall's corpse to Hannibal's dinning table, he tells Hannibal that they're both "even Steven now". Considering that Will had sent Matthew Brown to kill Hannibal and Hannibal sent Randall, they're both even, but Will leaves out the time where he deliberately tried to shoot Hannibal after he got released.
With all fo this being said, could Will's attempt at Hannibal's life by his own hands foreshadow how Hannibal would soon betray him by his own hands in Muzimono?
I could be totally off, but it'd be nice to hear your takes on this! :)