The state of this sub after the final.
As a neutral handball enjoyer (I’m from the US so I obviously root for them, but they never stand a chance), who only watches the international tournaments and only really use this sub for general information. I’ve enjoyed getting on this sub after games to see people’s opinions and so forward, but I must admit that after the final today, I’ve been left with a sour taste in my mouth.
As a neutral I found the game to be fairly judged. It was clear that the Croatian team knew they wouldn’t be able to keep up with the danish team without playing physically, which I’m all for. But I definitely felt that they got too aggressive and malicious at different times throughout the match, but I felt like the refs dealt with it as well as one can expect.
I honestly thought the sun would be in agreement with this, also the Croatians. But I was wrong, what I’ve seen is Croatians and Croatian supporters suggesting that the refs where corrupt, that they ruined the game by intervening too much with suspensions and red cards. I’ve even seen them argue that the step on Gidsel’s foot was unintentional?! Like come on… I honestly don’t know what I want to achieve with this post, I just find it absolutely ridiculous and nauseating that people actually defend such actions in this otherwise beautiful game.