
So I recently took 2, rounds of accutane. My hair started to thin this is a pretty normal experience from what I was told. For curiosity sake I had a scalp biopsy done little did I know their evaluation criteria makes no sense in my case.

A scalp biopsy is literally looking for any thinner hair....that means literally anything that has been thinner or was losing density for a time would be mistaken shrinking of the hair follicle. Which accutane can cause. Is my dermatologist just trying to cover up long term accutane side effects? I wish I could sue the clinic to be honest.

I would have been more convinced if it was labeled as diffuse thinning. But nope it's apparently "patterned" where is the "pattern" my guys.

You'll also see a lil bit of undefined thinness in the back from bleach damage which is just normal damage...this doesn't make sense guys.