Color depositing conditioner/shampoo/straight dye that won't stain hair permanently?
I have naturally black south asian hair (wavy, it's easier for me to straighten hair than to curl it and no style lasts too long). I have bleached and dyed my hair for years, mostly as chunky highlights cause I like the color peaking through the black. I have tried brands like punky, manic panic, clairol and lunar tides. I have liked the results (especially lunar tide), but it's a nightmare to get them out (especially the blues and purples) completely.
I recently got a balyage done on the front of my head ( I have greys coming in and I wanted to make it look more intentional ). I wanted a really cool toned, almost silver blond, but the salon couldn't get me there in the first appointment, and the toner just wouldn't take. So right now the highlights are like a medium to light golden blond (maybe level 7 or 8), and I'm getting bored of it. I don't want to bleach it again, so I'm considering a color depositing conditioner.
I don't want to use straight dye because like I mentioned, they take forever to come out and stains my hair. I usually just dye over it and get rid of the bleached parts through cuts and trims, but my wedding reception is coming up in a year and I would like long hair for that (get it down to my hips if possible), so I would like to avoid a cut. I would like the option to go back to the salon near the reception and chemically process the already treated hair if I want, so I want to try something that would wash out completely without a bleach. I would also like the option to change the color without it getting muddy if I get bored again. As long as the color lasts about two months at a time, I'm good. I wash my hair 2/3 times a week, use a deep conditioner, and a pre wash treatment if I'm feeling bougie.
What do you recommend?