I can’t find a shampoo that actually works!

I need advice/recommendations on shampoos, affordable please ($15 or under). A little background: I have type 2C hair, that is low-porosity, prone to lots of frizz, dry and somewhat damaged. I have been trying different shampoos for years and have never been able to find one that works. My recent issue is I can’t find one that actually LATHERS and CLEANS for the life of me. Because my hair is low-porosity and dry, I tend to go for the moisturizing shampoos. Right now I’m using Shea Moisturizer’s Manuka Honey & Yogurt line (light blue). It hydrates my hair and makes my waves/curls look nice BUT it often leaves my hair oily up top, like it’s not actually cleaning my scalp and letting oils to pile up. It doesn’t lather when I put it on either. This has been a consistent problem. I used to use Maui Moisture’s blue shampoo (Coconut?) and I had the same problem. No lather. It seems the only shampoos that ever lather and clean my head are the cheap ones that have all sorts of sulfates and silicones, which I don’t want to use since my hair is already dry and damaged. But at least they actually lather and clean my scalp. Idk what to do. I’m sick of having to combine shampoos to get moisturized AND clean hair. Does anyone have any recommendations for a shampoo that cleans your scalp great, but is also tailored towards moisturizing dry/frizzy hair? Again, preferably under $15. Thanks for any help.