Herpes Esophagitis?

I am just wondering if the location of my sores would make it oral herpes or herpes esophagitis. I had one big sore on the back of my throat in the pharynx (essentially far back where my left tonsil would be if I still had my tonsils). Swab test said HSV2.

I got it from 2 minutes of unfinished oral sex only with a guy who had no sores and didn’t know he had it. He since got blood test and he has HSV 1&2. My blood tests were negative for both, so I know it’s a first infection. No genital sores or sores anywhere else on my. None in my lips or anywhere else in my mouth. It started 3 weeks ago and I’m still pretty sick with a dry cough (especially triggered by talking) and nausea bad enough that I’ve lost 14lbs. I’ve also had a lot of nerve pain on my face and the back of my throat (and surprisingly my left flank). The nerve pain is decreasing thankfully. I’ve been to 2 doctors who don’t seem to think it’s a big deal because the sore has healed and I finished 10 days of antivirals already. I just first want to confirm if this would be considered herpes esophagitis so that I can figure out where to go from here. Any thoughts at all?

Oh- and I am not immunocompromised (which is why the 2 doctors at first didn’t even want to test for herpes in my throat because they thought it couldn’t be that). I do have a history of rheumatoid arthritis but it has been in remission for 2 years and I haven’t been on any immunosuppressant medication in 3 years. HIV tests done 1 week ago negative also.