Secretly, Draco Malfoy was jealous of Harry's friends. Perhaps that was why his new friends were very similar to them.

Ever since Crabbe and Goyle changed schools and began to study at Durmstrang, Draco really needed some new minions who would tag along with him whenever he wanted to and do what he wanted. Unfortunately, the remaining Slytherins from his circle, like Zabini, Greengrass and even Parkinson and Bullstrode were too prideful to serve in the same capacity, as much as he wanted. That was why he went outside of his usual circles in search of his new "friends".

"Blimey Draco, that Potter git sure has got you all worked up lately!" Donald Eastley said, holding a box of muffins in his hands.

"Here, have a muffin. Mum sent them this morning, baked them herself-"

"Do I look like I need your muffins, Don?" Draco scoffed at Don, glaring at his hand-me-down slytherin robe and taking note of his scarf with the Chudley Cannons logo on it, Don's favourite quidditch team. Honestly, he liked having him around. He was the easy one to feel superior to in comparison whenever Draco felt down. And a part of him actually liked his company.

"Sorry mate, I just wanted to share, that's all!" Don shrugged and took one muffin out of the box for himself. Draco had to admit to himself that the muffins looked delicious. "Know what, fine, I guess I can take one." Draco said and reached for one of the muffins. Upon tasting it, he did his very best to hide the fact that he found it delicious. "They are... not as bad as I thought. I'll take another one."

"Sure mate!" Don smiled, happy that he could share something with his best friend. "Anyway, I'm glad mum's sending me stuff, but her last christmas sweater from her was olive green again! It's my least favourite shade of green! Seriously, I always tell her I don't like olive green and she always sends me a sweater of that colour. It's like she doesn't remember. It's tough having six siblings! I always get overlooked!" Don started one of his usual rants. "Like, Darcy got an owl after he became a prefect and Jenny got all new stuff when she started Hogwarts, why can't I get something new for a change, really, it's ridiculous..."

Draco tuned out Don's ranting and just nodded along. Upon the mention of the christmas sweater, he remembered how Don's mother sent him a sweater as well. He had hide from everyone that deep down, he was actually touched by the gesture.


Draco sighed as he recognized the tell-tale shriek of Ophelia Ranger. "DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO CORRECT ALL THE ERRORS IN YOUR ESSAY!? YOUR HANDWRITING IS ATROCIOUS!"

"Careful, Ranger, or I'll forget to ignore that you are almost a mudblood!" Draco sneered, quick to remind her of her place.

"I'M A HALFBLOOD!" Ophelia shouted back at him and Draco instantly regreted even bringing it up. "Just because my wizard father ran away and left me with my worthless muggle mother doesn't mean that I'm just some disgusting mudblood like Granger-"

"Whatever, just do my Transfiguration homework by the end of this week!" Draco dismissed her, not wanting to listen to another hour-long tirade about the supposed and highly questionable nobility of her ancestry.

"Hmph." Ophelia silently glared at Draco, but he knew she'd do his homework anyway. "Well, anyway, I'm going to the library to study for the Charms exam. Can't let that disgusting mudblood Granger get the top mark YET AGAIN!" Ophelia announced to them after her moment of silence.

"I'll go too. You coming too, Draco?" Don asked. "Sure, I can indulge you." Draco said and shrugged, but secretly being glad that he can hang out with them some more. He didn't know why, but some part of him enjoyed their company.

Then he saw Potter standing nearby, grinning like he was looking at the funniest thing ever. "Is there something funny here, Potter?" Draco sneered at him as Don and Ophelia took their places on either side of Draco and glared at Harry.

"Well, I'd tell you, but..." Harry said with a grin. " wouldn't get it." With that, he turned the corner and disappeared from view, leaving Draco puzzled by what he meant by that.

"Blimey Draco, he got out of here fast, almost like he apparated-"

"Honestly, Don, have you even read Hogwarts: A History? You can't apparate inside Hogwarts-"

"Yeah, yeah, I don't need to, that's why you are here! To do all the boring stuff!"