
What if Hermione wasn't "the smartest witch of her age"?

It'd taken a couple of years into their schooling, but it'd finally happened.

Hermione's secret was out.


"You're insufferable, you know?" Daphne said, shoving past Hermione.

"You're mad that my scores are better than yours." Hermione said.

"You wish they were." Daphne said dismissively.

Hermione glared, Daphne seemed unfazed, but Harry and Ron flinched at the look.

"My grades are the best the professors have seen, they say so themselves." Hermione said hotly.

"Is that what you understand? Because even Potter and Weasel's grades are higher than yours in a number of areas." She said, her grin growing as Hermione's glare grew.

"That's because their practical work is better!" She said.

"And what's practical work, but practice of the theory you've so well learned?" Daphne countered.

Ron sputtered and awkwardly turned it to a cough due to the pointed glare now directed at him.

"How come they can perform basically all the spells much better with less explanation while you've obscure knowledge they don't even know? You clearly seem to have a better grip on the theory."

"Give me an example of that happening." Hermione demanded.

"In charms. We went over silencing charms to use on ourselves." Daphne said.

"I'm aware, I was there, Greengrass." Hermione bit out.

"Then let me ask, why doesn't the silencing charm work when we walk through water?" Daphne asked.

"What?" Hermione asked, frowning.

"Explain it."

"But that wasn't part of the lesson!"

"I said, explain it, Granger." Daphne said, smiling politely.

"The silencing charm does not-" She began again.

"No, you moron." Daphne sneered. "Don't regurgitate the stupid book, explain it to me, in small words, maybe even Weasley will understand."

Harry and Ron looked at each other, then back at the argument. Hermione was gaping at Daphne, no words being said.

"Did you silence her?" Ron asked.

"No. Your friend is an idiot is all." Daphne said simply.

"I am not!" Hermione said indignantly.

"Granger, you spit out random obscure information without actually knowing exactly what it means, that's why you can't explain why a silencing charm on your footsteps won't stop water from splashing. You've no idea, just an extremely vague verse from a book that, congratulations, you remember the words to and can guess where to place it in your work, but you can't explain without the convoluted in-book lingo because you dont actually get it." Daphne said harshly.

Ron stood a bit straighter.

Harry cringed, but didn't say anything. A few times, they had asked to explain something and Hermione's explanations had been long and wordy too often, they'd given up.

"If you're so bloody clever, explain it then!" Hermione shrieked, red faced.

"You silenced your feet, not the water." She said simply.

Harry stared and blinked. It was so obvious, it kinda hurt.

Hermione looked absolutely dumbfounded.

"B-but author Kerrigan Asheville states-" Hermione tried

"Whatever makes her sound the most clever." Daphne shrugged dismissively.

Hermione looked like she'd been slapped publicly with someone's... that.

"Look, Granger, if you want to sound smart, go ahead. But I am tired of your posturing and your superiority complex. You're not a genius- in fact, without your ability to essentially recite a text book, I'd say you'd probably be on the lower end of average."