Question: Relatively new HHI and want to treat myself

Background: I'm a 31M who finally finished training last summer and stepped up in my career to finally earn 6 figures, to the tune of 500k/year gross. Wife pulls in another 90k/year gross. These are new positions for both of us, where we previously made closer to 100k/yr TOTAL while paying student loans. So we are at about 590k gross now since last summer and have been working on catching up the retirement accounts and recently bought our first home. Finances: 401k + previous Roth + brokerage = roughly 200k total (50k of which was contributed over the past ~6 months). No kids but maybe will try for one in the next couple years. Expenses between mortgage, bills, and student loans = ~9k/month.

Need some advice as I would love to buy my dream car but don't know if this is a stupid decision or reasonable given our income. I would like to buy a performance wagon which is about $150k. I would finance it on 60mo loan with a 5.3% interest rate. The logical thing would be to put those monthly payment towards my brokerage (since retirements account will still be getting maxed out regardless). But I am also tired of the constant budgeting and stuffing things away for the past decade. Is it reasonable to want to finally splurge? Or is it still irresponsible?

Sorry for the long post. I appreciate any feedback you all could offer. Thanks! ..

Edit: Thank you all for your input, insights, and advice. After weighing my options and taking others' perspectives into account, I think I will treat myself to a used/CPO in the realm of 50-60k (with my wife's support of course) instead of the 150k wagon. That way I can still enjoy something nice, fast, and new(er) than what I currently have while still making sure to to invest money, further build up the accounts, and continue to pay down student loans aggressively.