Private schools: Anyone who can truly afford it who chooses not to?
Sparked by another thread, wanted to ask the question: Is there anybody who can well and truly afford private school for their children, who choose not to?
Two specifics within this question: 1. By 'well and truly' being able to afford, it means that the fee value is discretionary, and it probably wouldn't affect your lifestyle whether you paid for private school or not. This probably means the small segment of UK C-Suite / MDs / Partners / Entrepreneurs / Inheritees and you are probably adding multiple £100k's to your savings pot each year. So, it is putting a high bar on money not being an obstacle. 2. You really had the choice between a private and state school, and you chose state. If you never applied and got accepted to your preferred private school, this would exclude you. Equally exclude if there is personal context that means the choice wouldn't have worked for you (e.g you only have girls and are too far away from the elite boys schools and you didn't want to move, or you have a child with specific needs that a private school wouldn't have been suitable for)
If so, would you mind sharing why? And particularly, if there was no money differential between the choices you had open to you (e.g the state your kids do attend, vs the private options you realistically had), would you make the same choices again?