LegalHENRYs - your own thing?

Despite thread title, thoughts gratefully received - from lawyers or non-lawyers.

I can see from some older threads that there are quite a few legal HENRYs on here. Have any of you broken out to create your own business / thinking about it? This is something I’m considering - for a few reasons:

  1. The freedom (longer-term - I appreciate that in the shorter-term there will be a lot of hard work to set up and establish yourself; and this might come with less freedom in the build phases).

  2. It might be a fun challenge. Maybe I’m deluded - but the idea of success and failure both sound like good ways to get me out of my comfort zone.

  3. The earning potential. Currently salaried, which is lovely and safe and comfortable. But my god - it’s intense. My company (software company) runs quarterly Pulse surveys and pays a lot of lip service to work-life balance. Someone highlighted that time recording doesn’t really reflect much - because recording X hours can look very easy or very intense depending on the day - and my days are definitely at the very intense end. So if I’m putting in that much energy, maybe I should put it into my own venture.

If you’ve tried / done / considered but put to bed, would love to hear.