Bars: which moves do you miss seeing?

Inspired by the Zhang discussion and the fact that both she and Nemour have competed moves that I didn't think would ever be possible, what other moves do you wish we see more of?

Current UB code is all about connections, which can make for some exciting combinations but really disincentivise skills that look amazing but don't lend themselves well to being part of a series.

Mo Salto

Front somersault over the bar, but ends in a dead hang, so I think there is a built in extra swing deduction if you swing forwards into a kip. Mo avoid this (although I don't think it existed then) with a simple drop transition to the low bar, but that only worked in a 10.0 Code where she didn't need to try and count as many difficult elements as possible.

Comaneci Salto

Cast to immediate straddle front flip, similar to a straddled Jaeger without the benefit of momentum from a full swing. Because a Comaneci starts with a kip (which I believe breaks a connection from a previous move like a transition) and ends with a dead hang, it also doesn't lend itself to connections. The most recent I have seen was Grace Taylor in the NCAA, but she never competed elite and didn't have to work with an open-ended code.

Counter Kim

Almost like a variation on the Comaneci, a swing forwards into a straddled front flip, catching the bar on the same side as the release point. It can be connected into, as seen here where Kim does a Tkatchev before the skill, but suffers from the same dead hang issue as the other release moves mentioned above. Kim, like Mo, competed under the 10.0 Code so could employ the same strategy of a drop transition to the low bar that wouldn't work today with open-ended scoring, and therefore has a built in deduction for an empty swing. The only other time I have seen this competed is here by an unnamed high school gymnast, but the toe-on transition she uses to get to the low bar is probably not allowed in elite (I'm not sure if it counts as standing on the bar) and not a valuable move in an open code.

The Wener

A swing forwards into a straddled hecht over the bar, caught behind the gymnast. I could not find the video, but I am sure she connected this into a Jaeger at least once. Technically not named after this gymnast, but seemingly unique to her. Although she does it from a belly beat on the old style bars, it seems theoretically possible from a forward swing, and if connected to a Jaeger would not incur any dead hang deductions. This is all the way back in 1988, and I've not seen anyone else try it, though there may be some I don't know of.

Strong Transition

A 1.5 twisting transition from high bar to low bar. It looks very doable by today's standards, but I wonder if the lack of handstand finish is devaluing this skill. Additionally, it doesn't lend itself to transitioning back up to the high bar, and extended back-and-forth transitions have become a staple in modern routines.


Triple back tuck dismount. I've been corrected and the gymnast performing it here is Shantessa Pama: there was definitely only one US gymnast who I ever saw perform this. I would previously have thought that it was disincentivised because of the swing momentum required, making it difficult to connect, however seeing Kaylia Nemour connect a toe-on full pirouette into a DLO makes me think this isn't impossible, and surely someone can do it.

What skills do you miss seeing, and how could we incentivize some of the skills above to be seen again in modern competition?