My (32m) girlfriend (38f) of 8 years cheated on me. But I'm struggling to convince myself it was actually cheating. (Warning, very long post)

I'm gonna apologise for the "Ranty-ness" and how messy this is going to be, I'm struggling to center my mind, and I have a giant hole in my stomach. I haven't been able to eat properly for about 2 weeks.

About a week and a half ago, on Valentine's, I saw an odd discord message on her computer, nothing "Cheating", but odd from a guy we both play wow with. I've been uncomfortable with how much time they play together for a while, so you can say I was on edge. She ended up going to a concert with an artist (by herself) that she really likes, because I was sick and couldn't attend.

The next day she left her computer unattended, but with Discord off.. No one turns Discord off.. So I opened it, and started reading.. There were way more heart Emoji's than I felt comfortable with, but for now I figured, they're really good friends. Then I saw a video from the concert, I didn't watch it, but his reply "Oh you're so beautiful, I wish I was there with you", and her reply "Me too"..

I immediately flew out of my chair and confronted her, and she came clean that she'd been talking to him like this for about 2 months. Including when she was hospitalised, and I went there every day to spend time with her, sometimes even going several times a day to bring her stuff.

On Christmas, I sat in a dark room, holding her hand, perfectly still to not wake her up for 2-3 hours so she wouldn't spend christmas alone, until I was forced to leave due to visiting hours. But during this time in the hospital she was supposedly talking to him as well.

It should be noted they never actually "Met up", and I've had friends be unclear on where they stand on whether this was cheating or not, and heard from her, that some of her friends are saying what she did definitely CANNOT be considered cheating as they never met up. And she's convinced me they sent nothing but selfies, and flirted. And.. I might be stupid, but I believe her. When I asked if she'd send more than that, she pointed at herself and asked "You think I'd send pictures of this? I've never even sent you anything like that. Why would anyone want such a picture?" And I believe that.

I believe she herself, has been honest in the aftermath, we're still talking, and trying to stay friends (The reason is a longer story, but I live in her country, and not in my own, and have a school etc. which is important to me), and help me finish my things. She's offered for me to basically take half of everything in that apartment, even though she's been the main bread winner for the majority of our relationship and as such, this stuff is actually "Hers". Even going so far as to offer to be my "Contactperson" for my upcoming ADHD treatment.

According to her, she hasn't downplayed her role in this to her family and friends and has made it clear that while they might think X, I didn't feel that way. And I honestly believe that, because she is very clearly sorry for what happened. But I also reacted very.. "Extremely" (No violence or threats thereof, but I don't know what word to use), and wrote a public Facebook status explaining that it was over, and talking about how hurt I was, and explaining to everyone what infidelity did to your mind, and called her a monster. "Your feelings no longer matter, only the feelings of the monster who could do this to you".

My previous Ex also cheated on me, that was being physical with other dudes though, several. So this hurt me a lot. I've felt like I wasn't enough, as we've not been intimate very much, and its easily been 1-1.5 months between us being intimate, and it feeling like it's mostly pity-sex when it finally did happen.

The reason I believe she's been honest because she's told me some things that she wouldn't, if she was lying to spare my feelings, but other things that you wouldn't say if you were just trying to hurt me.

The main issue now, is that she told me that if my reaction, in public and some things I told her parents (Again, nothing inflammatory, just telling things that happened, but it was inappropriate to bring them into it) had been different. We might've been able to work through this. But with how it went down, she won't be able to look my family or friends in the eye, because "I made it seem so extreme what she did, like she was having a full-on relationship on the side"

She claims she never wanted to meet up with him, and the only reason she did this, is because she herself has low self-esteem, and someone called her beautiful, and that felt good. She never wanted it to go further than what happened, and just said "I wish you were here too" because it felt good in the situation. I told her that she also never wanted to reply to the first inappropriate message, but did, and the next, and the next. So how am I to know that they wouldn't have met up, even though she didn't mean to, or end up having sex, even though she didn't mean to.

Despite all this, and because of how we've been able to talk since, I'm willing to forgive her, and get back with her. She even herself has left the door open to that in the future, when we've had some space both of us, as the relationship in itself wasn't going very well, there were communication issues, and similar, evident by the lack of intimacy and care of each other.

She's helped me get out of a sump, I was on the verge of suicide several times before meeting her, and I finally felt I found happiness.. I've had 2 partners, both ending in relationships, both now cheating on me, after extended periods of lack of intimacy. My previous ex, was also both physically and psychologically abusive. She even tried to kill me once, we were at a party, and I ended up quite drunk, and fell asleep on a chair outside, while having a cigarette, in -10 degrees c, and she tried to hide it from my friends and told them I'd just gone home (My friends told me this after the fact). She also convinced me, entirely, that on a scale of 1-10, I'm at best a low 2, or a high 1. I'm so afraid I'll never find someone else, and I'll end up back in the hole I was in before I met this woman. After my previous ex I tried Tinder, even at a point just spamming swipes right until I ran out, and over a year, had 4 matches, 1 bot, 2 sex-workers trying to sell their services and 1 who was just using tinder to put men down, and just immediately sending me like 5 messages about how ugly I am etc.

I don't know how to move on from this. I have friends and family all around me, as I moved back, temporarily, to my own country, but as I have no actual education, and the school I'm in now would finally let me get a job I like, I don't see any option but to go back, and stay there for 1.5 years, by myself.

Even though I've convinced myself no one will want to be with me, just the thought of being with someone who is not her, makes me want to throw up. But it's also all I can think of, because I'm so deprived of physical contact. At a point I did a test, I wouldn't seek her out, and see how long we would go without any physical contact. Even just a hand on the arm, a clap on the back saying "Hey I'm home", or a kiss/hug etc. The record was 3 days, 4 times, before I gave up and hated that I had tried this.

I know it's not in my interest to go back to this, but it was at least better than absolutely nothing. And most of my days are spent thinking about her being with someone else, which has been an ongoing worry for me for a while. I struggle to fall asleep, as I re-read the messages in my head over and over. And imagine what would've happened, images flashing in my head over and over.

I'm sorry for all of this, I just feel I need the input of people with no vested interest in taking either my or her side.