Share your first memories when you started getting into gnr! Here’s mine:
I was born in the early 2000’s so ofc I haven’t been able to get into them before that.. but I remember watching the movie Megamind when I was little and the soundtrack’s an absolute slap in the face! It consists of songs like Back In Black, Crazy Train, Highway to Hell and of course Welcome To The Jungle! I loved that movie and I think it’s mostly because of the soundtrack hahha… anyway years go by and one time I remember my dad playing Nightrain in the car and I thought “WOW this song goes hard”, I slightly remember this song from my childhood since my dad has played Rock and Metal etc. for me since I appeared into my mothers womb so I could say I was either raised with it or brain washed. Any how that’s the moment I was like ”wow Guns n Roses I should really check them out myself”, and that’s what I did! Guess I got lost into the jungle and never found my way back… and never will. Share your stories too I’d love to know your first memories related to gnr!