"It's just casual, who cares"
Is this seriously a thing now?
Has anybody else seen a noticeable uptick in people just... not trying, or in some cases straight-up memeing/trolling in casual queue recently?
I mainly play casual queue because, unfortunately, during the time I'm most able to play, the game has barely over 1000 active players, and when I try to queue for ranked, I spend as much time in-queue as I do in-match (making it not really worth it if I want to play more than a couple matches).
But because I like to win, just like anybody else, I pick units I'm good/familiar with, try to flex-pick around the team, and generally take things seriously. However, I have been seeing an increasing trend of level 30+ players performing... rather poorly, and when I try to ping and type in chat to coordinate and give advice, I get answered with varying forms of "Who cares, it's just casual".
I get salty like anyone else, but I'm getting these responses when I say innocuous stuff like "Please hustle to the next point" on Domination, and "Please don't chase the Ranged Zaku, contest the objective." Even asking people to "Please stop trying to rez when there's an enemy in your face unless you're Guntank, because you're just getting yourself killed".
I still get the occasional close, competitive match, but it seem like they're growing more and more scarce. Maybe it's just been an unlucky week, I dunno.