Guitar head I can fly home with.

Hey guys! I play in a punk/hardcore band that is going on tour soon. For this tour, we're driving all the way from the beginning to the last destination and then flying home from there, so we can't bring a TON of gear with us (we're used to flying with guitars, pedals, and snare/cymbals). The plan this time is to bring our own heads but borrow cabs from venues/bands we're playing with each night. Given all this, I'm looking for a recommendation for a relatively cheap, small/portable, and clean-sounding (we use pedal distortion) guitar head that I could potentially fly with - I'd either get a flight case or just stuff it in a backpack if it's small enough. I thought about something like an Orange Tiny Terror but I've heard they don't have much clean headroom at all. Not super interested in a full digital modeling system but I'd consider it if that's the only option....What do y'all recommend?