$1,500 budget, what should I buy?

I have a $1,500 budget and am hoping to buy my first guitar amp.

I’ve played acoustic for 15 years, and electric (MIM Stratocaster) for the last 5 years. For the last 5 years I’ve been using an Irig HD 2 to plug into amplitube, GarageBand, and Logic (preset plugins plus stuff I’ve found on the internet).

I like the plugins, but I’m ready to buy a standalone amp. I’m open to all options, but would really prefer something that isn’t black, that my wife would think looks nice in the living room (really anything tweed, blonde, colored, etc. she finds find so just as long as it’s not a plain black looking amp).

I’ll primarily use this as a practice amp at home, but also play monthly with some friends just screwing around - this jam is at my house so I’m not too worried about size.

I primarily play blues, jazz, disco, R&B, and a little bit of country, but will play whatever my friends bring up as well.

I’ve been eyeing that new Bassman Tonemaster coming out because it looks nice, has an fx loop meaning I can play all of my current plugins out of it, has attenuation (fake attenuation), and tweeds traditionally work well for most of the main genre’s mentioned. Feel a little silly getting essentially a giant modeler though to try to get away from current modelers.

What do you think?