What does reddit think of my guitar?
This was my first guitar of i think about a year now. Born as a Harley Benton ST-20 i replaced the neck pickup with a dimarzio fs-1 and the bridge with a dimarzio super distortion but i plan on upgrading to a seymour duncan invader. Quite obviously i took a blowtorch to the neck and unintentionally made a giraffe print. I also put in some fender locking tuners but the most different preculiar part is i used a 7 string set to sand down the nut and fit the lowest 6 strings of a 7 string set. Plays great for such a cheap guitar and its been one of my favorites of my small collection. I got it signed by a few local bands but the only sigs that stayed were under the bridge, far left signature under the bridge is by keith wallen though! Since i dont use the tremolo in the future im thinking about putting the circuitry of a pedal into the cavity for the tremolo springs, being aware that i need to power it ill probably put in a battery slot somewhere but thats the future, for now give me your thoughts!