How do you play the main riff of Twenty First Century Schizoid Man?

I am someone who likes to learn songs by ear first before looking at any guitar tabs, notation or visual tutorials on how to do it.

I got the main line down it's a c pentatonic scale the a chromatic walk up from F to G using power chords, but I know for sure that for the first part of the riff with the pentatonic scale the guitar is doing more than just playing the line by itself.

Unfortunately, the mix heavily muddies Robert Fripp's guitar playing. But I detected two things I haven't found any other tutorial video bring up, in the beginning of the riff he plays a c minor bar chord and when it repeats a final time before going into the lyrical section of the piece he plays an E flat ontop of a G which is a minor sixth before going into the chromatic part of the riff.

Other tutorial videos either do straight power chords through the whole line (which annoys me because I don't think that's what Robert is doing and robs the guitar playing from having more texture) or add in chords to fill in the sounds but lose the sound of the main line in the process.

Tabs aren't much better either a lot of them recommend double stops (parallel fourths) and that's simply just not what I hear knowing how complex Robert likes his guitar parts to be.

I tried looking for an isolated track of just the guitar for the song but all I found was one video with the guitar part completely cut out.

So what do you guys think, how do I play this behemoth exactly how it sounded in the original record? How do you guys do it?