Toxic ranked pvp
So when is Anet ever going to do anything about this? Freedom of speech maxing out in PVP. I've encountered the same toxic player for weeks now, even after multiple reports, how is this kind of behavior even allowed? I remember playing the game for a week and was forced to change my name because it had the word 'pooper' in it. Yet when someone insults you to an extreme Anet is like 'no that's part of the game'.
Code of conduct to any ArenaNet employees reading this:
- While using our Services, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to use and enjoy the Services. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, intimidate, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other users of the Services. Similarly, you may not use communications facilities made available as part of the Services to “troll” other users or ArenaNet personnel, post or share memetic images or phrases without substantive content, intentionally cause unrest among users of the Services, or otherwise be disruptive.