New player here, Struggling a Bit With Leveling

Hi everyone, I might be completely Pepega here. I’m currently level 13, and I don’t have any main storyline quests showing up anymore. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to grind in the open world to level up, or if I missed something in the main storyline or whatever.

When I started, I had to reach level 10 before I could even access the main storyline. I’ve done some of it now, but I don’t have any new story quests available. Instead, I got a notification saying I need to reach level 20 to start Chapter 2 of my personal story or something like that.

If this is how it works—alternating between main story and grinding—is there a way to figure out which zones are suitable for my level? Like, how do I know where I’m supposed to be leveling at my current level ?
