Guardian Tales Burnout

Hi I’m an old player of Guardian tales, I was playing around when world 9 of 8 was new and recently I’ve sort of fallen out of love with the game and I kind of don’t have a big/specific reason as to why so because of that I struggle to put into words what’s different with the current Guardian tales compared to the past. A lot of the charm that guardian tales had sort of vanished for me suddenly around world 14 season 2 with the main story and short stories that they put out and don’t get me wrong I liked them but something just felt off in the execution I guess? Maybe I was expecting too much from gt, maybe it was how long we have to wait just for story updates, or maybe I just got too busy in real life so I struggled to enjoy the game. I struggle to put into words why I’ve fallen out of love with gt which is why I’m posting this on reddit to hear other people’s opinions. (Apologies for my bad grammar)