Map events worth going
Based on personal experience
Good 1-Broken cart Gives a lot of materials. Charge straigt up to the cart. If you take more time, knights keep spawns.
2-Fallen knight Gives bronze armor set, elemental armor set, good weapon and skill books. Plus whatever templars give. Face one templars at a time. T2 armor with flanged mace, and 1 stack of food will be enough
3-Dead village Gives chance for pet, good weapon, and iron. Warning: after lv100, the difficulty is twice as hard
4-Hunting ground Gives some birch and a lot of pinewood, and meat Bring a club and a bronze axe
Borderline 1-Merchant escort Not bad but i recommend using scroll of terror. Useful for rope farming Chance for alchemist gold
2-Wandering merchants Not bad but usually a waste of energy. You can try your luck though
3-Special encounters Aissa, birbjorn, necromancer, sacrificial alter
They have good loot but requires some preparation.
Bad 1-Night at the cementary Too many mobs spawn
2-Abandonded crypt The dungeon is too unyielding for my taste
3-Treasure of the damned Same as NATC, not worth the hassle