Who should I main in this game?
I'm unsure how much experience you have with other Arcsys fighting games, but I've been stuck in a rut in gbfvs:r trying to find a charachter I enjoy with no luck. I've played Djeeta(shoto like kum) and Lanselot(tricky like slayer/Az), and after the recent balance patch haven't enjoyed their changes.
I enjoy other Arcsys games, mainly GGXX/ACR and GG REV2, alongside bbcf, but I just can't find a character in this game I can enjoy similar to my enjoyment of Kum Haehyun and Slayer in REV2, Slayer and Kliff in XX, and Azreal/Hakumen in BBCF. I also really enjoy Carmine in UNI2
+BBCF and UNI2