Was the juice worth the squeeze?
For everyone who’s gone through the trouble and expense of building your in home, garage, or basement simulator - have you found that you use it enough to justify the price? Has it been worth it, and do you still find yourself excited to go smack a round?
I’ve been a lurker on this subreddit for some time, and I’m building out the sim of my dreams in my head with plans of making it a reality soon, but I’m curious all your thoughts on whether the destination is worth the journey, or if it has become like the pool table/hot rod/guitar etc. that was once so shiny but now collects dust.
Don’t get me wrong - I love to golf, and have for years. My question is did getting the in home simulator over satiate a thirst for the game, or is it still something you eagerly go back to for more?
All thoughts appreciated.