Starting over doesn’t suck that bad…
So I had my first golf lesson ever today at age 42. I’ve been playing off and on since I was 10. This year I have been playing more consistently than I have in the last 15 years. At least once a week but shooting for twice depending on my schedule. Usually shoot in the 90s. So I decided to take a lesson finally.
And that first lesson was with the man Monte Scheinblum. And it went surprisingly well. I hit a few for him and he immediately told me the fixes I needed to make. Address, grip, rotation. I guess you could call it the big 3. He said if I wasn’t confident in being able to change all that at one time to just work on one and then move to the next. Being somewhat stubborn and not wanting to waste much time I just made all the corrections immediately and started hitting balls for him. I felt like I had never hit a golf ball before. Couldn’t make good contact with the ball but just kept those swing thoughts he told me to have in my head and by the end of the lesson I was actually pretty happy with the outcome.
I went from club head speed of about 65 average to 85. The last 5 or 6 I hit I was making solid contact and sending my 9 iron 145 with no slice and it felt so pure. Wanted to go straight to the range after but had to come to work.
Anyone who might be in a similar situation as me I highly recommend taking a lesson or a few. It’s lit a fire in me and highly motivated me to continue my golf dream of just not sucking. That’s it dudes and dudettes.