Arkansas Goldback design ideas

½gb: Hospitality (Hospitalitas) with a log cabin behind her, as she's holding a glass of fresh warm tea, extending it outward, as if offering it to the viewer.

1gb: Faith (Fides) holding or reading the Bible (or, alternatively, a book with a diamond on the cover), petting a dog sitting upright with its head turned facing her with a strong look of loyalty and affection.

2gb: Perseverence (Perseverantia) hiking in the Ozarks, holding a compass and a map, and she stumbles upon a large chunk of quartz crystal (or an uncut, natural diamond) sticking out of the ground.

5gb: Charm/Beauty (Amœnas) in the woods standing near the beautiful lakes, with ducks and other animals nearby the water stream.

10gb: Diligence (Diligencia) tending to a wheat feild, showing care to the farm.

25gb: Integrity (Integritas) standing in front of an oak tree, holding a balance scale. On the left side is a piece of paper that says "truth", and on the right is a stack of bars made of gold.

50gb: Prosperity (Prosperitas) in the forest petting a baby whitetail deer. In the distance is a family of razorback hogs drinking water from a pond.

100gb: Liberty (Libertas) standing infront of the state capitol, holding a newspaper about the Little Rock Nine, with an eagle soaring over.