Leonidas has bested the Hall of Shame, and now shall go down in legend, or die with a thunderous roar.

In case not being in the HoS wasn't indicative enough, Leonidas here and his fellow Bennator Dominus Venationis are NOT composed of human DNA. Here's a quick recap on this guy:

Specific themes/facts: - A warrior/hunter race (similar to the likes of the Predators, Elites, Saiyans, and Viltrumites). - Bred as a means of wiping out invasive species from certain ecosystems, and keeping human intervention and exploitation in check. - NOT specifically made to fight the Indominus 2.0, but Leonidas here rose to the challenge, having sensed a new rising threat, and a potential worthy foe. - Composed purely of extant animals. - Is a hunter first and foremost, NOT a serial killer like the Indom (hence the absence of shrew DNA).


Siberian Tiger: - Base body, size, and overall strength - Adept to trees, land, and water alike - Superb leaping ability - Front teeth - Retractable claws - Paw pads - Hunting prowess and precision - Roar

Asian Water Monitor: - Base tail - Lengthened snout - Neck muscles - Extra billow to the roar - Scales - Suitable in water and land, and a decent climber

Red Kangaroo: - Lengthened forelegs - Tendons for vastly improved leaping, with minimal stamina consumption - Used to fighting with arms, legs, and tail - Bipedal stance, as well as quadropedal - Fighting prowess - Aging - Reproductive system (particularly for the pouch on female specimens)

Spider Monkey: - Tail muscles and padding - Hind teeth - Superd tree climbing - Tool use - One of the smartest new-world monies

Bonobo: - Arms and hands - Enhanced tool crafting and usage - Smartest great ape, besides humans

African Wild Dog: - Ears, eyes, and nose - Social structure and altruism - Precision - Influence of eye shadow pattern on scales

Honey Badger: - Thick and loose skin underneath scales - Claw endurance - Notorious stubborness, persistence, and intimidation - Surprisingly genius problem-solver

Axolotl: - Healing and survivability - Enhanced muscle regeneration

African Bush Elephant: - Primary brain structure - Incredibly intelligent, dexterous, sociable, and fearless.

House Cat: - Brain stem for greatly enhanced reflexes and reaction speed - Meditative state, as to mend any potential conflicting instincts (such as social vs solitary, focus vs recklessness, or whether or not to get in the water)

Misc. (appearance exclusive): - Eye shadow for reduced sun glare and increased precision - Fur mohawk as homage to Spartan helmets - Brown scales with gray/green stripes

Strategy against Indominus 2.0: Agility, Dexterity, and Wits - Dodging and evading attacks, using the shrew's adrenaline rush to exhaust the Indom. - Aggravating the already desperate beast via tail-wipping, climbing on back, and other means of trolling. - Tool-crafting; there will be plenty of trees and branches where they'll be fighting, and thus plenty of means for Leonidas to buy time and fashion spears and maybe even traps. - Striking weakspots: eyes, nostrils, inside of mouth, and areas with softer and weaker tissues (shoulders, hips, and wrinkles in neck). I go more in-depth with this in a previous post.


In case not being in the HoS wasn't indicative enough, Leonidas here and his fellow Bennator Dominus Venationis are NOT composed of human DNA. Here's a quick recap on this guy:

Specific themes/facts: - A warrior/hunter race (similar to the likes of the Predators, Elites, Saiyans, and Viltrumites). - Bred as a means of wiping out invasive species from certain ecosystems, and keeping human intervention and exploitation in check. - NOT specifically made to fight the Indominus 2.0, but Leonidas here rose to the challenge, having sensed a new rising threat, and a potential worthy foe. - Composed purely of extant animals. - Is a hunter first and foremost, NOT a serial killer like the Indom (hence the absence of shrew DNA).


Siberian Tiger: - Base body, size, and overall strength - Adept to trees, land, and water alike - Superb leaping ability - Front teeth - Retractable claws - Paw pads - Hunting prowess and precision - Roar

Asian Water Monitor: - Base tail - Lengthened snout - Neck muscles - Extra billow to the roar - Scales - Suitable in water and land, and a decent climber

Red Kangaroo: - Lengthened forelegs - Tendons for vastly improved leaping, with minimal stamina consumption - Used to fighting with arms, legs, and tail - Bipedal stance, as well as quadropedal - Fighting prowess - Aging - Reproductive system (particularly for the pouch on female specimens)

Spider Monkey: - Tail muscles and padding - Hind teeth - Superd tree climbing - Tool use - One of the smartest new-world monies

Bonobo: - Arms and hands - Enhanced tool crafting and usage - Smartest great ape, besides humans

African Wild Dog: - Ears, eyes, and nose - Social structure and altruism - Precision - Influence of eye shadow pattern on scales

Honey Badger: - Thick and loose skin underneath scales - Claw endurance - Notorious stubborness, persistence, and intimidation - Surprisingly genius problem-solver

Axolotl: - Healing and survivability - Enhanced muscle regeneration

African Bush Elephant: - Primary brain structure - Incredibly intelligent, dexterous, sociable, and fearless.

House Cat: - Brain stem for greatly enhanced reflexes and reaction speed - Meditative state, as to mend any potential conflicting instincts (such as social vs solitary, focus vs recklessness, or whether or not to get in the water)

Misc. (appearance exclusive): - Eye shadow for reduced sun glare and increased precision - Fur mohawk as homage to Spartan helmets - Brown scales with gray/green stripes

Strategy against Indominus 2.0: Agility, Dexterity, and Wits - Dodging and evading attacks, using the shrew's adrenaline rush to exhaust the Indom. - Aggravating the already desperate beast via tail-wipping, climbing on back, and other means of trolling. - Tool-crafting; there will be plenty of trees and branches where they'll be fighting, and thus plenty of means for Leonidas to buy time and fashion spears and maybe even traps. - Striking weakspots: eyes, nostrils, inside of mouth, and areas with softer and weaker tissues (shoulders, hips, and wrinkles in neck). I go more in-depth with this in a previous post.
