(25) to (36) battling Epilepsy with Neurostimulator in place

Been battling Epilepsy due to head trauma for alittle over a decade now, I’m only 5’7” but I used to weigh over 300Lbs. My condition progressed over the year to where they had to do surgery in August 2020 and have a Neurostimulator put in my head. Was placed on permanent disability, drivers license indefinitely suspended, basically just told I couldn’t do much because of the severity, but I decided I’m not going to just sit around , let this epilepsy beat me while sitting at home being fat unhealthy and then lead to multiple more issues especially with the side effects from all these medicines. Doctor even told me I can’t go to the gym no more and wrote a letter for my gym to let me break the yearly contract and not workout anymore because it wasn’t “safe” … whatever I still got up and did it , as long as I wasn’t in the hospital with any broken bones , I made no excuses , caught multiple seizures even at the gym where it got to the point they wanted me out of the gym due to liabilities and insurance issues.. I was too much of a “risk” and then other people just making fun of me saying I was a “dope head” whatever … I just have a disability but hey not my fault when it comes to medical most are pretty clueless… let my brother open the account under his name and just secretly went to the gym, I’m not where I wanna be yet but all im saying is anyone battling a rough road no matter what it might be, don’t give up… stay strong and just keep believing… that’s all, glow up? Or nah

Epilepsy Awareness