+mat_queue_mode -2 - A insanely easy way to massively increase fps

description of the command : "mat_queue_mode [-1,0,1,2] - This setting determines the threading mode the material system uses. A value of -1 uses the default for your system, a value of 0 uses synchronous single thread, 1 uses queued single threaded mode, and value of 2 uses multi-threaded mode. Many users report performance increases on multi-core systems when setting this variable to a value of 2."

typing +mat_queue_mode -2 into your launch options increases your fps massively on most computers.

edit : here are some of the cpus that this command is proven to help List of CPU's that are proven to help: Q9300 i3-2105 i7-2600K i5-3570K i5-4460K i5-4590 i5-4670K i5-4690K i7-4700HQ i7-4710HQ i7-4790 i7-4790K i5-6500 AMD FX-6300 AMD FX-8350 i3-3240

List of CPU's that don't help: i7-4770k