Where my board gaming ladies at?
I know this sub is mostly for video games, but I just got back from Gen Con 22 (big board gaming and table top convention) and am feeling inspired.
It was my first time attending and I gotta say I am really impressed with the crowd. I've run into some problems with sexism and gatekeeping in the board game community before but I'm happy to report I didn't see any of that here. There were women teaching board game rules, running lots of events, working the booths and I met a lot of really cool female game designers! Overall it was a really refreshing experience and I was never made to feel like I didn't belong.
Obviously there are still some really male-dominated circles within board gaming (notably MTG and a lot of tournament based games), so I'm just reaching out on here to see what others' experiences in this community/hobby have been. I'm seriously considering trying to put together some sort of local gaming group in my town to get like minded people together to play games, but part of me is still worried I might have to deal with some... Unsavory types. Also I really need a way to actually play all of the board games I bought over the weekend lol
Does anyone have experience with a local board gaming group or store? How is the general vibe at events you've been to? I'm trying not to let my very good Gen Con experience cloud my judgement or give me unrealistic expectations. Thanks in advance!!