So many unhealthy marriage proposals 😅

First, Max proposes in the middle of a fight because that's the only way to stop them fighting all the time 🤷‍♀ī¸ 😅

Lorelei proposing to Luke wasn't great imo either - straight after fighting with Rory because she was feeling emotional and shitty. I love them but it was a crappy proposal that seemed unhealthy.

Zack proposes to Lane when they're broken up. They haven't even resolved their break up, again let's "fix" our relationship by getting married 🤷‍♀ī¸

Chris in Paris. Enough said.

As much as I dislike Logan, honestly he had the healthiest mindset for getting married. He'd obviously thought about it a while, considered the future and their relationship was in a healthy place when he popped the question. Hate public proposals personally but yeah, weirdly enough he actually had the most balanced, mature approach to marriage (at that point lol).