To those freaking out about the no phones at the concerts for medical reasons:

I am a diabetic, have been for almost 24 years and I use my phone to not only monitor my numbers, but to also control my insulin pump. In early 2023, I contacted Yondr about the LA shows at the Forum about my situation. They emailed me back stating they make accommodations for those with medical needs. I still worried of course, I've had teachers try to take away the thing attached to me and keeping me alive in school. I still had a doctors note just to be safe cause you never know.

We arrived to the LA shows, I showed them my monitor on my phone and the insulin pump at security, they gave me a wristband and sent me on my way. I only looked at my phone once when I felt odd. And to be polite and not have others be weird and make nasty comments, I kept my phone brightness low and looked at it in my purse.

Those who need it for medical reasons, it will be fine. I had two different people both nights and no one gave me any issues.