Weapon & Attachment Matrix updated for TU 4.1.0

Version 7, Operation Motherland, Title Update 4.1.0

Wondering what attachments can go on what weapons? Where to find specific attachments and weapons? What the attachments do (stats)? I make a thing:

Direct sheet link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dicJAni9ooMVg_RcVWgphU4PKBov6gYguEJSUoxaZeU

Colors based on their easiest/free source, so light red is Raid exclusive (boss weapons), light orange is Ghost Coins, dark orange is Ultimate, gold is Gold, light blue is Club rewards and promotions.


There continue to be unidentified/unreleased weapons (1) or the total count on Objectives is bugged. Four of the previous five have been identified as NFTs. They have not been and will not be added to the spreadsheet. There are no NFTs in Ba Sing Se.


  • Objectives count: 192
  • Free in Game: 147 (find, earn, or Maria's Shop)
  • Raid exclusive: 8 (boss weapons)
  • Reward/Edition Exclusive: 7 (M1911 Promise now also available in Ghost Coin Store)
  • Ghost Coin Store: 25 (MK14 Assault Brown and TAC50 Brown now also part of Deluxe/Ultimate)
  • Unknown: 5 (four of these appear to be NFTs: M4A1 Tactical Wolves, P320 Sentinel, P320 Brown, Scorpio Brown)


  • ASR: 65
  • DMR: 27
  • GL: 3
  • HDG: 27
  • LMG: 11
  • SNR: 18
  • STG: 14
  • SMG: 22
  • Unknown/NFT: 5


Attachments, I now show 107/107. However if you add up the cards in the Objectives page they only total 103. Possible explanation for was a three discrepancy, ATPIAL HDG Laser from Wildlands mission, UK Small and Standard Magazines from the L86A1 LMG. But that's just a guess, and now there's a fourth.


  • Objectives count: 107
  • Muzzle: 39
  • Rail: 5
  • Sight: 24
  • Underbarrel: 17
  • Magazine: 18
  • only total 103


A few notes from updating:

  • M4 (and variants) and M590A1 shotguns gained suppressors.
  • Zhukov stock added for some shotguns, DMRs, ASRs.
  • KAC-SASS stock added for some DMRs, ASRs.
  • MK14 Assault lost underbarrel grenade launcher (possibly related to raid glitch fix?). Fixed with final TU 4.5.0.
  • MK14 Assault Brown can use DMR and ASR Suppressors (which means nothing and is likely a bug).
  • Half the DMRs gained the combo bipod grip. As did two SMGs. For some reason. Only a couple of ASRs got it.
  • SR-3M has an 'integrated foregrip' which can be deployed or open similar to folding stocks. Same stats as the RVG vertical, didn't seem worth adding a whole new column.