List of in-game additions (gear, guns vehicles)
Ahhhhh, what a game. I have really been looking forward to a game like this for ages. However, I feel that in some parts it is slightly lacking. So this is a list of things that I think would be nice to see as the game progresses, although I doubt we shall see most of these.
Customisation -
More Helmet options: Helmets such as the Crye Precision Airframe, Mich 2000 or 2001 would be great. Alongside this, more accessories on them like PVS-15's (we get that the character has NVG's, but would be pretty cool to see a working pair on helmets, that you can flip down etc.) and MANTA IR strobe or helmet ballasts would really add to the look of the character
More Load Bearing Equipment: We already have Crye Precision clothing, so why stop there? Would be nice to see gear such as the JPC, CPC and AVS added along with LBT's 6094, Mayflower rigs or Haley Strategic D3CR's added. Gives us more diversity.
Clothing: As you can tell, I've mentioned Crye Precision a lot, and I'd like to see more camo's added to their clothing list. AOR 1 and 2 would be cool, along with the M81 woodland etc. Other options too, such as the old school BDU's
Patches: More military esque patches, like callsigns or moral patches etc.
Parachute customization: Have the ability to change the colour of your parachute. Ubisoft could use the camouflage options for the clothing
Customise AI gear: It looks a bit odd when you in military gear and your AI team members are in civilian gear, so it would be cool if you could customize them to look similar to you.
Guns -
Add more guns such as the MK18 Mod 1, M240, HK45, MK 16, HK416, "Honey Badger" etc. (drop other weapons you'd like to see in the comments)
Accessories: Great to see that they have added IR lasers such as the ATIPAL, but why stop there? Why not add Flashlights such as the WMX200, M3X or Scout light. Also, Bipods would be a nice addition for Light Machine Guns and Long Range weapons. Along with adding an accessory rail for the Bolt Action rifles so we can mount the Range Finder and ATIPAL. Maybe new stocks, flash-hiders and suppressors would be cool too see as well
Launchers: it would be cool if you could have something like an AT4 or M72 single shot launcher as a weapon. Of course for balancing you would only have one, and they are "dumb weapons" so cannot be guided but it would give you that extra edge over UNIDAD patrols and pack a bigger punch than the Grenade Launchers
Vehicles -
Nothing to really complain about the vehicles, although it would be nice to be able to access the "blachhawk" style chopper a bit more (maybe have it as the final option of the vehicle drop).
Maybe, if anyone thinks this is a good idea? A ground attack version of the Bush Plane? Just a pair of Rocket Pods mounted to the wing like an OV-58 or Cessna Bird Dog
Air vehicle controls are a bit miffed for console, and it feels like it's built for a mouse and keyboard setup. Maybe Ubisoft could have the option to change the controls (look to battlefield for example, for a control mapping scheme). Also it would be nice to see a reticle to be able to aim the weapons
Store -
- Individually buy items rather than have to buy a whole pack, no one want to spend £11 on a pack when you just want one individual item
*Removed the M249 to stop confusion