lazy student trying to change

hi everyone, im here as a bit of a desperate measure. i’ve never had the need to study in order to obtain great grades, but these past years i’ve become a bad student, with mediocre grades and many failed subjects. i think im fairly smart, but i dont get good grades and i need help with actually being an academic weapon. all my teachers agree that my problem is not studying at home nor doing homework. i. fucking. HATE. studying. its a literal torture for me because i can only last few minutes focused but full hours speaking by myself and playing around with stuff i find. not even with my phone. im fucking desperate because my future depends on these last two years of school and i just dont know how to stop being lazy. no one understands me and i’ve asked for help to basically everyone. i’ve tried everything but i last two minutes with the book and i just give up. school has my self esteem destroyed and ive just had a rough patch. i dont understand how people can be academic weapons. help me please.

sorry for venting on here.