Do you use umlauts when texting your friends?
Hey everyone,
i realise this might sound like a silly question but hear me out. I'm from Hungary and while we do have umlauts and other accents, you have to swipe over the vowels to get them, which is way more work than what we usually would put in a simple text message. So instead of using our accents and umlauts, we just use the vowel we'd put them on, so for example "őrült" would be "orult" in a text to a friend. we do the same if a word has a different meaning with or without umlauts or with different ones, and just let the context do the work for us, so "őrült" (crazy) and "örült" (they were happy) would both be "orult". I've always wondered if other languages do the same or is it just us that are lazy as hell.