Why is there still no pity for 4*?
Today I pulled my 5th copy of Furina. She became my 5* with the most constellations at C4. I'm really happy about that and I'm glad to have so many constellations for her; she's one of my favorites and I use her all the time. This new one should help a lot with her energy needs and help me to get her burst back even more consistently, and since I'm so close at this point I might as well just go for C6 in the future. I probably will, given the chance.
But there's one problem I have that might seem small to a lot of you, but has become a much bigger deal to me.
This is my paimon.moe list of every single pull I have done on a Furina banner. What they all have in common is these are the only two banners Charlotte has ever been on as well. She's also one of my favorites and I enjoy using her. She's the healer on my Ayaka team, and the reason I'm able to make Furina work on it. I like her and have wanted to C6 her for a long time. And after 342 pulls I have only been able to get her to C1.
That is a lot of wishes, just under $700 USD worth of them if you go by the metrics of the $100 purchase of primogems. I've consistently gotten the welkin and battle pass for about a year and a half now, but I'm no whale. I can't afford anything more than that. Most of the wishes I have been able to use to try to get Charlotte (and Furina) have all been the result of consistently logging in and doing all of my dailies and events, and completing both spiral abyss and the theater. I have been as consistent as I can; doing all the web events and checking into Hoyolab every day as well.
During Furina and Charlotte's first banner, after I ran out of wishes I had saved, I got the rest of them by completing the entirety of Sumeru. The Aranara quest, all the areas to 100% completion, everything I could find. I started with almost nothing done there; I was a complete mint picker during that banner because I was trying to get Furina and Charlotte. After everything, 233 wishes was the best I could do, which only amounted to 2 Charlottes.
I waited over a YEAR for Charlotte to come back, and this time I had a fair number of wishes saved up as well. Citlali and Mavuika had done some damage to my savings but I still had a respectable amount by the time she came around. I managed to do 66 wishes on the first day, and have gotten my wish count up 43 more to a total of 109 on this banner. But I don't have as much time to focus on Genshin as I did the first time around, I have other responsibilities and my life has gotten busier. Nor do I have as much content to clear for primogems and wishes as I did before. I don't think we'll be getting any more events until the next banner starts and my abyss and theater are both cleared. I'll probably only be able to to 7 or 8 wishes at most. And yet, I haven't gotten a single Charlotte this entire time.
And don't get me wrong. I really am thankful for the Furina constellations I got, but getting 5 of her when I only have 2 Charlottes, who you would think would be much easier to get as a 4*, is really disheartening. I wanted Furina cons, but I also really want Charlotte cons as well. She still struggles with energy sometimes and more healing is always welcome for Furina, and constellations would help with those issues.
I've been very engaged with the game and an avid fan, so why is this system still like this? It almost feels like I'm being punished for caring about getting her so much. I can't afford to do a lot but I have supported the game financially and invested hundreds of hours into playing it; There's probably only been a handful of days in the past year that I haven't at least logged in to do dailies. I can't even get Charlotte in the shop since she's not in the rotation.
I don't know exactly why I made this post, maybe I just wanted to vent my frustrations and have someone tell me "That's messed up! That system should change!" or encourage people to talk about the system with 4* characters that even allows something like this to happen. It might not matter to you if you spend a lot on the game, but to people whose wishes are more limited and need to be planned, it can be a very big deal.
Please Hoyo, add some sort of pity system to the 4*. Or at least put them all into the shop rotation. I've tried incredibly hard to get C6 Charlotte but I can't even get to C2, and while I'd guess this situation is a bit more extreme than most, there are others out there with similar experiences.
Edit: Pity probably isn't the best word to describe what I'm talking about; For those confused, my problem is more similar to losing a 50/50 for a 5*. Unlike a 5*, where you're guaranteed the banner character after losing, you still only have a 1/3 chance to get the one you want out of the banner 4*. And nothing is stopping the game from giving your the other two over and over again, which is what happened to me. This is very bad luck, and most people thankfully shouldn't experience something like this, but I would argue that the fact that this is even possible is abusive and predatory on Hoyoverse's part.