What is the best team Icould do?

This is my first post so I apologize if this is on the wrong spot but I was wondering what characters/ team I should build with the characters i already have. Up until recently I was just kinda playing the game and wasn't actually using any strategy and I've decided i want to like learn how to play the game 💀 but I realized idk what makes a good team?

I've currently got Keqing, Fischl, Xinyan and Mona on a team. Keqing is my main dps and I typically use xinyan and Mona as sub dps and elemental reactions.

I do have some limitations though cuz I don't have inazuma unlocked so I can't accend some of my characters. Otherwise I have all the statue of sevens unlocked. I'm also only at world level 2- I'm like terrified of fighting world bosses (which i gotta get over-) so technically I'm world level 3 but I've got it lowered rn.

I have like crap luck when it comes to pulling characters but here's my list of characters I currently have!

  • Chiori (I don't have inazuma unlocked yet so I can't accend her)
  • Keqing
  • Mona
  • Tighnari
  • Traveler (C1)
  • Amber
  • Barbara
  • Bennett
  • Collei
  • Dori (C2)
  • Fischl
  • Gaming
  • Kaeya (C1)
  • Kuki Shinobu
  • Lisa
  • Lynette (C2)
  • Ningguang (C2)
  • Noelle (C1)
  • Razor
  • Rosaria
  • Sara
  • Sucrose (C1)
  • Xingqiu
  • Xinyan
  • Yaoyao (C2)
  • Yun Jin

I appreciate any tips whatsoever! I know very little about the game 💀